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The Power Of Words

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My Story

Binod Dawadi is from Purano Naikap 13, Kathmandu, Nepal. He has completed his master’s degree from Tribhuvan University in English. He likes to read and write and has created many poems and stories. His hobbies are reading, writing, singing, watching movies, traveling, and gardening. He is very empathetic, and he believes that from writing and from art it is possible to change the knowledge and perspective of people about many things. He loves his country Nepal very much.

My Books
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Anthologies Binod has been in


Anthologies of South Arizona Press ( SAP)

Biophilia Environmental Humanities And Art Magazine

All I Want For Christmas Anthology

Saving World At A Time Anthology

Poet's For Ukraine Anthology

Endurance Anthology

Sydnie Beapré's Latest  Anthologies like Fusion 2

Songs of Peace Anthology

Sweet Whispers Of Love

Friendship 2022

Art And Design Magazine Healthy Living

Mother Tongue In Poetry

Scenes of South Carolina Volume 2

Morus Factor

The Archer Poetry Competition

Immagine And Poesia

Pens of Artists Poetry Collection

War And The Human Condition

The Kolkata Arts

War Against Peace

African Drums

Revista Franzine Enceladus Magazine Diamond India Unheard Songs Of Obscure

I Become The Beast

The Pillow Lovers

Revista Argos CUCSH

Coup De Foudre International Anthology of Love Poems


Collections Binod has been in


The Power Of Words 
The Power Of Words 2 (coming soon)
The Power Of Words 3 (coming soon)
The Power of Words 4 (coming soon)
The Power Of Words 5 (coming soon)

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For more information about Sydnie Beaupré's anthologies go to:


My Books


Author Interview with Binod Dawadi  by DOOLEY's BOOKS



1. Introduce yourself.

I am Binod Dawadi from Purano Naikap 13, Kathmandu, Nepal.  I have completed his Master’s Degree from Tribhuvan University in Major English. I like to read and write literary forms. I have created many poems and stories. My hobbies are reading, writing, singing, watching movies, traveling, gardening, etc. I like pets. I am a creative man I do not spend my time by doing nothing. I am always helping for the poor people. I can’t see the troubles and obstacles of the people. I believe that from the writing and from the art it is possible to change the knowledge and perspectives of the people towards any things. I love his country Nepal very much. I have known many cultures of his country as well as foreign countries. I am always thinking wisely towards any things. I solve my problems by using my mind. My dreams to be a great man in my life.

I have composed many stories and poems in many Anthologies. I have also already published my own poetry books which are The Power of Words. Love and Life’s difficulties and Nature, Animals and Human Beings in Prodigy Published.  I am also planning to publish other books which are The Best Stories and War. Also other in his life.  I write in Nepali, and English magazines and Anthologies. I am working at day and night to be the successful writer. I want to involve in each and every kinds of multiple activities. I am always seeking for the multiple good works in a time. I am very much active in distributing my knowledge in literature as well as in teaching and other social activities.  I am very much dedicated towards my works.  I have also faced many kinds of challenges and difficulties in my life.


My dream is to become a rich man in my life and to help the poor people in the society from my wealth. I always dream very much big things. Some times they can’t be successful also but also I am never losing my hope in my life. I love the pet animals, wild animals and nature I spend most of my time by looking at this kinds of the things. My vision is to change the society by knowledge so I am always working there by this. I want to give englightement to the people through my education.


2. What is your title? (Author, writer, poet, novelist, etc.)


I am author, writer, and poet. I wrote my own books. I work as a co-author in other writers books. I have created many poems hoping one day I can change the world from my art and from my knowledge.



3. What is the title of your bestselling book, new release, or upcoming book?


The name of my upcoming book is The Power of Words. It will be release and published in October 22nd.


4. Have you won any awards, certificates, or special honour for your books?


No, from my own book not. From participating in other books as Co-author. I have own many certificates.


5. What are your hobbies when you’re not writing?


My hobbies when I am not writing are gardening, playing games, watching movies of love story and action as well as traveling.


6. When did you first develop the passion for writing?


When I had completed my Masters Degree in Major English then from 2020 I started to write.


7. What advice would you give upcoming writers in the 20th century?


We are the human beings and we should face the difficulties as well as uplifting as well as degrading our life also happiness in our life. To share our message we can write. From writing we can express our knowledge to the world. Writings can give justice to the voiceless people of the society. Depending on its content. So, patience, dedication as well as efforts. More time is needed to become a successful writer. So literature is the mirror of the society. Literature meaning letters reading. So writing and thoughts are more valuable when it gets the best platforms like as literature. So we should write. Writer is the court’s lawyer who gives justice to the world. So, you too also can write to increase your creativity. To connect with the world.  To know the world. You should write.


8. What is your view on writing, literature, and poetry?


Writing is the feeling of the heart, mind, body and soul. Writing can heal the pains. When reader is death writer is born. Writings are immortal. Your wealth can be finished one day but your good writings can make a history. World can know and can give priority to your writing. So you should write. Literature also teaches you that there is inner beauty as well as outer beauty. Inner beauty includes your creativity, good behaviour towards world and people. Always working for the others. But outer beauty includes your wealth. Which has no values? In the materialist world all are running for the money. So literature gives us positive knowledge in our life. By the various forms of the literature.


9. What is the link to your book, blog, website, or page?

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